SPC Game Project

To the Main Page!
I won't try to list all the data on Samurai Pizza Cats or its Japanese counterpart on this page. This page is dedicated to the effort to make a Samurai Pizza Cats computer RPG. If you want data, this isn't really the place. I know of others who have spent over 5 years obtaining and cataloging data for their sites, and they have more complete libraries than I ever would without stealing their data! That wouldn't be a worthwhile effort to the SPC community, so I am doing something that is (hopefully) new, and am working on an RPG worthy of re-introducing the SPC to the world. I am basing this game on a fanfic I am writing, but am already deep in the process of level design and implementation. The first beta version will be a little while, but it WILL arrive. I will post updates, music from the game,screenshots of the levels, character sprites, and, eventually, beta versions. When done, I will post the final product, the complete RPG! Also, I may continue writing fics after the RPG is done and maybe make more SPC games, I just don't know yet.
Also, I don't mind if my work on the RPG is used in other applications, but the work of the others belongs strictly to them. You will have to ask their permission to use it. The game itself, however, may be used and downloadable anywhere, as long as you give us our deserved credit. ~_^
- 11/03/02 Site created. The RPG's Music Composer, BurkeWorld, is the site's first visitor. Now he has bragging rights! ^_^
- 11/22/02 Moved site from Angelfire to Edoropolis.org. Uploaded new songs and 16 new sprites.
- 11/23-24/02 Uploaded Fanfic, SPC Head Drawing Tutorial, Credits, and 8 new sprites hot off the mouse! Also, set up Game Downloads Page, but nothing is there yet.
- 12/23/02 I haven't been updating, because of my work on the RPG. I have finished the first beta demo, and am working on a second, which will be posted on this site when BurkeWorld tests it. I have uploaded new sprites, an updated fic, and data on my new LTS(Location Targeting system), which permits implementation of first person shooters! ^_^
- 12/23/02 I worked my butt off and get Beta Demo 0.2 done. I uploaded it today.
- 12/25/02 Merry Christmas! I have repaired the problem with the Beta 0.2 and the RTPe.exe program! They are ready for download! ^^
- 12/28/02 I thought that I solved the problem, but I didn't. It was more complex than I thought. It should be okay now.
- 1/3/03 Just as soon as I finish the Beta 0.2 problem and get back on track from the holdidays, I finish Beta 0.3! Oh well, it is a good thing for you all. I guess making some of the levels in advance IS a good idea! ^^
- 2/11/03 The FTP problem that I was having is fixed. Beta 0.4 finished! Uploaded with a new song and all kinds of new stuff! I also updated various sections.
- 3/16/05 Wow...I haven't updated this site in over two years...but I haven't forgotten about it. I just got busy toward my junior year of high school, and by the time that happened, I lost both my FTP program AND my password...but I'm back now. ^^
- 3/17/05 I updated, and Beta 0.41 is online. It is essentially the same as 0.4, except the sprite glitches associated with the extended "Chara" character sets have been repaired, as has the flashback at the end of the beta and a few various code glitches in some Yes/No statements. Also, the first SGC code has been encoded it is earlier in the game though, past where your current savestates may be. ^^*.
Contact me here: mm007nyan@hotmail.com