Team Rocket
Other Characters

- Brock "The Rock"

Name: - Brock

Home Town: - Pewter City

Occupation: -Pokemon Breeder and Former Gym Master

Age: - 13 Years

Description: - Brock is the average male teenage, overloaded with hormones and deseperate for a girlfriend, Brock lived in Pewter as the master of the local gym, he looked after his brothers and sisters as his mother died and father was missing. When his father turned up and Ash beat Brock to get the boulderbadge Brock left his dad in charge and left Pewter with Ash and Misty to become a pokemon breeder. He usually falls in love with any beautiful woman or girl they meet like Officer Jenny or Nurse Joy but never Misty or Jessie.... Confused? I am. Brock is a smart guy, level headed and never lets his friends down.

Note: - Pokemon TM and all ralted music are the property of Nintendo USA, only download these files if you own the correct video, CD , game etc . These files are protected by international law and copyright. Man this text is so small so if you can read this you have great eyesight, or have enlarged it ....cheat!. Why are you still reading this? Go.... go now!